Buying concert tickets can get to be pretty expensive, when you add all the charges, taxes and convenience fees. There are different ways that you may be able to find cheap tickets. You may be able to get them with some determination and a strategy in place. There are several tips to buy cheap event tickets.
One of the first opportunities to secure them may be through a local radio station. Winning may be as simple as calling into the station. You may want to try several different contest to get tickets for the event. Remember, if you win, you may not be able to participate in another contest for at least 30 days.
Becoming a fan of a group may be a good way to make an advance purchase. All groups have fan websites. Many times, these sites can offer free membership or charge a small fee, either way it will be worthwhile when trying to secure tickets for an event. Being in the fan club will get you a discounted purchase.
You may want to take a trip to the venue of the event. If you start early, you may be able to get a reduced ticket price. The box office, should not have extra surcharges. You may be able to get a group of people together, in order to get a discount. This is normally, a group of 20 or more people. If the venue has sold out, it is still good to review prices, as a comparison, when seeking to buy from another source.
Being a volunteer is a good way to be at a concert. Sometimes, churches and summer amphitheaters need help for concert performances. You will have some job duties related to this event. It could be as simple as, seating, stamping hands or even, clean up after the event.
Trying to purchase from a presale is sometimes a way to get a cheap ticket. The presale, usually happens for any concert that is expected to be sold out. Many times, presale tickets are sold at a reduced price. There is a special presale code that has to be used. The code can be sent to your email address. Some credit card companies have special offers for their customers. The company will offer the discount as a promotion or thank you, for the credit card holder. You will need to take advantage of this quickly because it will not last.
You can check a website that has classified ads. The person may be willing to sell at a loss. Some of the possible places you can look are ticket brokers, auction sites and personal websites. It may be advantageous to look for a site that is unbiased and does a comparison. The site will have a system that compares location and price with the best value. You will need to make the purchase on the same day.
The last resort is to buy tickets from a scalper. Know the face value of the ticket before making the purchase. Check out a couple scalpers before deciding on a particular one. Try to hold out until the last minute or a little after the event has started, this will force them to reduce the price. As with anything, investigating thoroughly is the key.